Clocks & watches

Clocks and watches are essential tools for keeping track of time and staying organised.

However, for the elderly, regular clocks and watches may not be suitable due to common age-related issues such as poor vision and hearing loss.

Therefore, there are specially designed clocks and watches available in the UK that address these challenges.

This page provides an overview of the different types of clocks and watches available for the elderly, highlighting key features such as large displays, high-contrast numbers, and audible alerts.

Additionally, this page offers advice on choosing the correct clock or watch for yourself or an elderly loved one, considering factors such as lifestyle, specific needs, and preferences.

You will also find information on where to purchase these items, maintenance tips, and other useful resources.

Whether looking for a wall clock for your home, a wristwatch for daily use, or a gift for a loved one, this page will help you navigate the options available and make an informed decision.

Talking Clocks

Talking Watches

Dementia Clock

Loud Alarm Clock

Wall clock with large digits

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