council tax in the uK

Council Tax

Welcome to your one-stop portal for everything you need to know about Council Tax.

Whether you’re a first-time taxpayer or you’ve been contributing for years, understanding the ins and outs of Council Tax can be overwhelming.

This page is designed to be a comprehensive guide to the various elements and complexities of Council Tax, empowering you with the knowledge to navigate your responsibilities easily.

Here, we delve into the core concepts surrounding Council Tax. Who is responsible for payment? When are payments due? How is the amount calculated?

All of these are important questions that require clear and concise answers.

We explore the responsibilities of homeowners, tenants, students, and individuals with disabilities, providing you with comprehensive insights about eligibility and potential discounts or exemptions that could apply to you or your household.

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How long can you stay without paying

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getting a council house on medical grounds

tips and tricks to get a council house

We're really proud to have been featured on some of the UK's leading websites.