how to make a will

April 2024

How To Make A Will In April 2024


Creating a will is an essential component of life planning, as it ensures that your final wishes are carried out and can help you avoid potential legal problems and family conflicts. 

In this exhaustive guide on making a will, we will provide you with all the information you need to create a legally valid will that addresses every aspect of your estate. 

The function of will-writing services and solicitors and the legal requirements for goodwill be examined. In addition, we will offer guidance on how to appoint an executor, consider your assets and beneficiaries, and prevent family conflict.

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Understanding the Basics of Making a Will

Creating a will involves deciding who will inherit your property, money, and personal belongings upon your demise. It would be best if you were of sound mind and at least 18 years old to make a valid will

Considering your financial situation, including bank accounts and insurance policies, is essential when drafting a choice. In addition, you must appoint an executor who will carry out your wishes and administer your estate. 

In England and Wales, you can write your own will or use a solicitor or will-writing service.

Using a Will Writing Service or Solicitor

Although it is possible to write your own will, you must ensure it is legally valid and addresses every aspect of your estate. A will-writing service or a lawyer can give you confidence that your wishes will be carried out accurately. 

Selecting a reputable service provider, such as Co-op Legal Services, the Solicitors Regulation Authority, or the Law Society, governs that. This ensures you receive high-quality service and recourse if something goes awry.

Understanding Inheritance Tax

The inheritance tax is a duty on the value of a deceased person’s estate. If your estate’s value exceeds a certain threshold, you may be required to pay inheritance tax

There are methods to reduce the tax owed, such as making gifts to relatives or leaving assets to charity. When drafting a will, it is essential to consider the potential tax implications and, if necessary, to seek professional advice.

Appointing an Executor

The executor of a will is charged with carrying out the deceased’s instructions and managing their estate. Consider someone trustworthy, dependable, and financially savvy when selecting an executor. 

You can name a member of your immediate family, a close acquaintance, or a professional, such as a lawyer or accountant, as your executor. It is necessary to discuss this with them beforehand and confirm that they are willing to assume this responsibility.

Considering Your Assets and Beneficiaries

When drafting a will, you must consider all your assets, including real estate, savings, investments, and personal property. Beneficiaries are the individuals you select to receive your assets upon your death. 

You can include specific intentions in your will, such as leaving a gift to a particular charity or ensuring that a family member receives a specific asset. It is also essential to consider how your debts will be settled after your demise.

Making Changes to an Existing Will

If you already have a will, reviewing it regularly and updating it to reflect any significant life changes is essential. This may involve relocating, getting married, starting a family, or acquiring new assets. 

You can either add a codicil, a legal document that modifies your own will only or create a new will to alter an existing will. Any modifications you make must be duly witnessed and signed to ensure their legal validity.

Ensuring Your Will is Stored Safely

It is essential to store your will in a secure location where it can be readily accessed after passing. It can be held at home but must be safeguarded against injury, theft, and loss. 

You can also keep it with a lawyer, will writing service, or in a secure deposit box. It is crucial to inform your executor of the location and accessibility of your will.

Mental Capacity and Witnesses

You must have the mental capacity to make a will, which means you comprehend your decisions’ repercussions. If there is any uncertainty about your mental capacity or cognitive ability, a medical evaluation may be necessary. 

Additionally, you will need two witnesses to sign your will for it to be legally valid. When you sign the will, the witnesses must be present and cannot be beneficiaries or related to beneficiaries.

Mirror Wills and Civil Partnerships

Mirror wills are two distinct but identical wills created by a married or civilly-partnered couple. This form of will ensures that each individual’s wishes are documented and that simple wills can be executed independently. 

If you are in a civil partnership, your partner has automatic inheritance rights, but you may still want to create a will to ensure your wishes are clear. To ensure your will is legally valid and addresses all aspects of your estate, it is essential to seek professional guidance.

Avoiding Intestacy and Family Conflict

If you perish without a valid will, the intestacy rules will govern your estate, which may not reflect your wishes.

This can lead to family discord, delays, and increased expenses. Creating a will ensures that your last wishes are fulfilled and can help prevent family disputes. 

It is essential to seek professional assistance when making a will to ensure it is properly drafted and complies with all applicable laws.

Creating a will is vital to life planning. That can provide peace of mind and prevent potential legal issues and family conflict. 

It is essential to ensure that your will is legally valid and covers all aspects of your estate, whether you create it yourself, use a will-writing service, or consult a lawyer. 

You can fulfil your final wishes by contemplating your assets and beneficiaries, appointing an executor, and understanding the potential tax implications. Review your will regularly and make necessary changes to reflect significant life changes.

Understanding Inheritance Tax

Making a Will with Free Will Drafting Services

Free will drafting services are available, but verifying their legitimacy and the legality of the will they produce is essential. 

In addition, you must ensure that your will addresses all aspects of your estate, including your personal belongings, property, and assets. 

It is essential to consider whether a free service is comprehensive enough to meet your requirements, even though a free service may seem appealing.

Ensuring Your Possessions are Included in Your Will

Personal possessions and belongings can have significant sentimental value, so you must include them in your will. You can specify who should receive specific items or provide distribution instructions. 

To ensure that your concluding wishes are carried out, it is essential to consider all aspects of your estate, including your possessions and belongings, when drafting a will.

"Creating a will is an essential component of life planning, as it ensures that your final wishes are carried out and can help you avoid potential legal problems and family conflicts."

Choosing the Right Will Writer for You

When selecting a will writer, evaluating their credentials, experience, and reputation is essential. 

A trustworthy will writer will belong to a professional organisation, such as the Society of Will Writers or the Institute of Professional Will Writers. 

Additionally, they should have a proven track record of producing legally valid wills that meet the requirements of their clients. It is also essential to consider the service’s price and whether it represents good value.

Making a Will When You Own Property Overseas

If you own property overseas, you must include it in your will. This may necessitate the assistance of an attorney acquainted with the laws of the country where the property is located.

Additionally, it is essential to consider any tax implications of owning property abroad and, if necessary, to seek professional advice.

Making Changes to an Existing Will

Registering Your Civil Partnership and Making a Will

Your partner has automatic inheritance rights if you are in a registered civil partnership. However, you may still wish to create a will to make your wishes explicit. 

To ensure your will is legally valid and addresses all aspects of your estate, it is essential to seek professional guidance. 

You and your former partner may also want to consider mirror wills, which ensure that each partner’s wishes are documented and can be executed independently.

Understanding Intestacy Rules and the Importance of a Legally Binding Will

If you perish without a valid will, the intestacy rules will govern your estate, which may not reflect your wishes. 

Ensuring your choice is legally good and addresses all aspects of your estate, including your property, assets, and personal belongings, is crucial. 

By creating an alternative, you can ensure that your final wishes are fulfilled and avoid potential legal complications and family strife.

Using a Solicitor for Probate Services

Probate is the legal procedure of distributing a deceased person’s assets by their will. Hiring a reputable attorney for probate services is crucial to ensure the process is carried out efficiently and effectively. 

A lawyer can also guide you on inheritance tax and other potential legal issues.

Considering the Cost of Solicitor Services When Making a Will

Considering the cost of solicitor services when drafting a will is essential. The price can vary based on the intricacy of the will and the required services. 

Obtaining a quote of solicitor costs in advance and verifying that the attorney provides value for money is essential. 

However, it is critical to maintain quality for the price. A legally valid will that addresses all aspects of your estate can save you so much money and prevent future legal issues.

Navigating Parental Responsibility in Your Will

Consider parental responsibility and guardianship arrangements for your children when drafting a will. 

You can decide to appoint a legal guardian for your children and specify how you want them raised if you pass away. 

It is essential to seek professional counsel to ensure that your wishes are legally valid and can be carried out in the event of your passing.

Basics of Making a Will

Making Changes to Your Will and Including Other Wishes

It is essential to review your will and make any necessary changes periodically. You may also want to revise your choice called beneficiaries, including new beneficiaries or excluding former partners. 

Ensuring that any modifications are adequately witnessed, and the new will remains legally legitimate is essential. 

You can also use your will to stipulate funeral arrangements and charitable contributions. It is crucial that your will encompasses all aspects of your estate and reflects your final wishes.

Creating a will is a significant undertaking that should be taken with seriousness. It is essential to consider all aspects of your estate and seek professional counsel to ensure your will is legally valid and reflects all of your wishes. 

Whether using a lawyer, free will drafting services, or creating a will on your own, ensuring that the document is witnessed correctly and all required information is included is essential. 

By creating a will, you can ensure that your final wishes are fulfilled and avoid potential legal complications and family strife.

Making a Will with Your Civil Partner in Mind

If you are in a registered civil partnership, you must include your companion in your will. Under inheritance laws, your civil partner may claim your estate, but you can ensure that your assets are distributed according to your desires by drafting a will. 

You can specify who inherits your estate and all of your personal belongings, including any foreign property you may own. 

By creating a will, you can ensure that your civil partnership partner will be provided for and your estate will be distributed according to your wishes.

Choosing a Will Writing Firm to Handle Your Estate

If you are contemplating writing a will, you may desire to hire a will-writing service. 

A company that writes intentions can assist in drafting one, ensuring that all aspects of your estate are addressed and the document is legally valid. 

Some will-writing services provide complimentary will drafting, while others charge a fee. When selecting a will-writing company, it is essential to ensure they are reputable and offer services worth the cost.

Ensuring Your Will Covers All Your Assets

Ensuring that all of your assets are covered in your will is essential. This includes any foreign property you own and any joint property or possessions. 

By compiling a list of your assets, you can ensure that your will accounts for everything you own and that your desires distribute your estate.

Making a Will with Several Family Members in Mind

If you wish to include multiple family members in your will, you must ensure everyone is provided for. You can specify who inherits your estate and personal property and stipulate specific instructions or desires. 

It is essential to ensure that your will is properly witnessed and remains legally valid, even if multiple family members are involved.

Considering the Cost of Using a Solicitor for Your Will

If you are contemplating hiring a lawyer to help you write your will, it is essential to consider the associated fees. The cost of hiring a lawyer can vary based on the intricacy of your choice and the required services. 

Nevertheless, using a lawyer can assure that your will is legally valid and that all aspects of your estate are covered. You can obtain a quote in advance and ensure that your attorney provides value for money.

Using a Will Template to Make a Basic Will

You may use a will template if you have a straightforward estate and wish to create a clear will. A will template can be a helpful starting point for drafting a new will and ensuring that all pertinent information is included. 

Even if it is a simple document, ensuring that the choice is adequately witnessed and remains legally valid is essential.

Seeking Professional Help for Your Will

Creating a will and probate service requires professional assistance from a lawyer or a company specialising in choices and probate services. 

A professional can offer guidance, ensure your will and probate service is legally valid, and address all aspects of your estate. 

You can also seek professional assistance from a law firm with probate services, which can ensure that your estate is distributed by your wishes following your demise.

Storing Your Will Safely and Updating It Regularly

Once your will has been drafted, storing it safely and updating it regularly is essential. You can keep your will in a safe deposit box or with a lawyer to ensure it remains accessible and secure. 

It is also necessary to update your will regularly, mainly if your financial situation, family members, or wishes have changed significantly. You can ensure that your last wishes are fulfilled by updating your will.

Registered Charity Number

If you wish to leave a portion of your estate to a particular charity, you must include the charity’s tax identification number in your will. 

This guarantees that the intended charity will receive the donation. You can locate the registered charity number on the charity’s website or by contacting them directly if you do not know it.

Professional Service

Drafting a will is complex and requires careful consideration of legal and financial issues. Therefore, obtaining assistance from a will-writing service, a lawyer, or another qualified professional is essential. 

They can assist you in comprehending your legal rights and responsibilities, minimising your tax liability, and documenting your desires. 

A professional service may be costly, but it can provide peace of mind and save money in the long term.

how to make a will in the UK

Completely Free

While some will-writing services charge a fee, some options are wholly free. Some charities, for instance, offer complimentary will-writing services in the hopes of receiving money from an endowment. 

Moreover, some stationery stores sell their homemade-editable will templates. It is essential to carefully consider your options and choose a method that is legally valid and properly witnessed.

Witnessed Correctly

For a will to be legally binding, it must be properly witnessed. This means that the testator must sign the will in the presence of two witnesses who are not beneficiaries. 

The witnesses must then sign the will in the testator’s and each other’s company. If the witnesses also receive the gift, it may be invalid. You must adhere to these rules to ensure your choice is valid and legally binding.

Moving House

If you relocate after creating a will, you must revise your will to reflect your new living situation. This is especially true if you have relocated to a new country whose inheritance laws may differ from your home. 

It is also essential to ensure that the original of your will is securely stored and readily accessible by your executors. Consider hiring a lawyer or will-writing service to assist you in revising and executing your will.

Creating a will is essential to ensure your wishes are fulfilled after death. Consider all of your assets, including any overseas property or personal belongings, and if necessary, seek professional assistance. 

You can ensure that your will is valid, legally enforceable, and reflects your wishes by carefully considering your options and following the proper legal procedures.

Meet the author

Jane Parkinson

Jane Parkinson

Jane is one of our primary content writers and specialises in elder care. She has a degree in English language and literature from Manchester University and has been writing and reviewing products for a number of years.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I make a will without using a solicitor?

Yes, you can create a will without using a solicitor or lawyer. Numerous online will-writing services can assist you in drafting a simple choice at a much lower cost than a solicitor or lawyer. However, your situation is more complicated, or you have many assets or beneficiaries. Hiring a solicitor or lawyer may be prudent to ensure everything is handled correctly. Additionally, using a solicitor can provide you with peace of mind and ensure the legal validity of your will.

Do I need to list all the assets in my will?

Identifying your assets in your will is optional, but including a comprehensive list of your help and its distribution can be helpful. This can ensure clarity and disputes among surviving beneficiaries. It is essential to remember that some assets, such as joint bank accounts and property owned jointly, may not be distributed through your will. You should consult a lawyer or use a will-writing service to ensure your assets are handled correctly.

Can civil partners make a will together?

Yes, civil partners can use what is known as a “mirror will” to create a will jointly. This occurs when two nearly identical wills are made, with each civil partner also leaving their assets to the other upon their demise. Mirror wills are a good option for couples who want to ensure that their assets are left to their companion, and they can also help to prevent family disputes.

Can I make changes to my will at a later date?

Yes, alterations to your will can be made at a later date. This is referred to as revising or updating your will. It is suggested that you evaluate your will every few years or whenever there is a significant change in your life circumstances, such as marriage, divorce, the birth of a child, or the acquisition of new assets. You can revise your own will by drafting a codicil, a legal document that modifies your existing will, or by drawing an entirely new one. Any modifications must be made in the same way and manner as your original will, with witnesses and signatures, to ensure they are legally valid.

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