your guide to buying a perch stairlift in the uK

Perch Stair Lifts In May 2024

Perch stairlifts offer a practical solution for individuals with mobility issues, providing a safe and efficient way to navigate stairs in smaller homes or spaces. This article will help you:

1 – Understand the importance of considering perch stairlifts as an alternative to traditional stairlifts.

2 – Highlight key learning outcomes regarding the benefits and installation of perch stairlifts.

3 – Cover main topics including the design, operation, and safety features of perch stairlifts.

4 – Discuss the benefits of understanding these topics for making an informed decision.

5 – Guide on actions to take post-reading to further explore perch stairlift options.

Key Takeaways & Learnings From This Page on Perch Stairlifts

1 – Perch stairlifts are designed for smaller homes or spaces, offering a discreet and compact solution that takes up less space than traditional stairlifts.

2 – They are more accessible to install and typically more affordable, making them an excellent solution for those who find sitting difficult or have limited space.

3 – The article covers the technical specifications and unique features of perch stairlifts, including their ease of use for individuals with mobility issues, ideal suitability for narrow staircases, and their safety and security features.

4 – It highlights the affordability and value of perch stairlifts, presenting them as a cost-effective solution for enhancing home accessibility.

5 – Alternatives to perch stairlifts, such as turn-and-go stairlifts, home elevators, and wheelchair lifts, are discussed for those needing different solutions.

6 – Choosing the right perch stairlift based on individual needs and preferences is detailed, including considerations for straight versus curved stairlifts, weight and height, and physical limitations.

7 – Finally, the article encourages readers to consult with stairlift specialists and consider second-hand or refurbished stairlifts to save money while meeting their mobility needs.

Topics that you will find covered on this page

What is a Perching Stairlift?

The main difference between a perch stairlift and a traditional seated stairlift is that a perch stairlift does not require the user to be fully seated. Instead, you travel in a perching position. 

This makes it an ideal solution for people with flexibility issues or restricted movement in their knee or hip joints who do not want to bend their knees more than necessary.

You use a perch stairlift by sitting on a small perch seat attached to the stairs via a track. The user sits in the chair and uses the controls to raise or lower the lift. A small motor in the chair’s base powers a perch seat. This motor powers the lift and allows the user to raise or lower the chair.

A geared strip is built into the track, connecting to and powering the motor to move the chair up and down.

Stairlifts can be battery-powered or plugged straight into your electricity supply via a standard wall socket. A battery-powered stairlift means you can still use the lift in case of a power cut. However, you will eventually have to replace the batteries after continual use.

Some models offer the best of both worlds and allow you to have a battery-powered lift but charge the battery by plugging the rail into the electricity supply. This way, your batteries will continually charge, but you won’t have to worry about being stranded during a power cut.

How Much Do Stand and Perch Stairlifts Cost?

The cost of a perch stairlift will vary depending on your chosen model. They are typically more expensive than seated straight stairlifts but not as much as curved stairlifts.

You can expect to pay between £1,000 and £2,000 for a new perch stairlift. This is significantly cheaper than the cost of most traditional stairlifts, which can start at around £3,000

When it comes to maintaining your perch stairlift, there is also good news. Perch stairlifts require very little maintenance and typically only need to be serviced once a year. This is significantly less than the maintenance required for traditional stairlifts.

Benefits of Perch Stairlifts for Users

Perch stairlifts, including stand and perch stairlifts, offer several key benefits that directly impact the quality of life for users. Understanding these benefits can help potential buyers see the value in choosing a perching stairlift for their home.

1 – Ease of Use For Individuals With Mobility Issues

Perching stairlifts are designed for individuals who find sitting down or standing up challenging. The perching position reduces strain on the knees and hips, making it an ideal solution for those with arthritis or other mobility issues. This design allows users to maintain a more upright position, which can be more comfortable for those with certain health conditions.

2 – Ideal for Narrow Staircases

The compact design of perching stairlifts makes them perfect for homes with narrow staircases. Unlike traditional stairlifts, the slim profile of a perching stairlift minimizes the space used, ensuring the staircase remains accessible for other members of the household. This feature is particularly beneficial in older homes where stair width can be a limiting factor.

3 – Safety and Security

Perching stairlifts come equipped with a range of safety features designed to protect the user. These include non-slip surfaces, safety belts, and emergency stop buttons. Such features ensure that users feel secure and stable while using the stairlift, providing peace of mind for both the users and their families.

4 – Affordability and Value

Compared to other mobility solutions, perching stairlifts offer an affordable option for enhancing home accessibility. Their cost-effectiveness does not compromise on quality or safety, making perching stairlifts a valuable investment for those looking to improve their mobility without significant financial burden.

By choosing a perching stairlift, users can enjoy greater independence and comfort in their homes, ensuring they can navigate their living spaces safely and efficiently.

perch stairlift uk

Technical Specifications and Unique Features of Perch Stair Lifts

When considering the addition of a perch stairlift to your home, understanding the technical specifications and unique features available is crucial. This knowledge will help you make an informed decision that best suits your needs and space.

1 – Key Specifications

Perch stairlifts are designed with specific technical features to accommodate users with limited mobility or narrow staircases. These stairlifts typically offer:

a) Weight Capacity

Most perch stairlifts can comfortably support users up to 120kg, ensuring a wide range of individuals can use them safely.

b) Speed

The lifts operate gently, usually around 0.15 meters per second, allowing for a smooth and secure ascent or descent.

c) Power Requirements

They are powered by rechargeable batteries, ensuring operation even during power outages. The charging system is continuous along the track, keeping the lift charged and ready to use.

d) Safety Features

Equipped with safety belts, obstruction sensors, and emergency stop buttons, these stairlifts prioritise user safety at every level.

2 – Unique Features

Beyond the basic specifications, perch stairlifts offer unique features that set them apart:

a) Slim Design

The slim design minimizes the space used for narrow staircases, leaving ample room for others to use the staircase.

b) Adjustable Height

The perch seat’s height can be adjusted to accommodate users of different statures, enhancing comfort and safety.

c) Powered Footrest

Some models have a powered footrest that can be folded away when not in use, reducing tripping hazards and saving space.

d) Custom Upholstery Options

Select models offer a range of upholstery colours, allowing you to match the stairlift to your home decor seamlessly.

The UK Care Guide works in partnership with Acorn Stairlifts. 

Here are 10 reasons why they are the best stairlift provider in the UK.

Stairlifts made in the UK
Same day home appointments available
Next day installation available
Slimline models that fold away conveniently when not in use
Hinged rail designs to eliminate any trip or hazard
Affordable and reliable with low running costs
Some can be fitted quickly and easily to the stairs, not the wall
Amazing feedback and testimonials
Some require no structural changes to your home
Market leading experience in the UK

Call Acorn now on 0333 567 1612 to get a quote or to discuss your stairlift requirements.


Book a callback, in the calendar below, for a time that suits you.

Perch Stairlift Safety Features

Perch stairlifts should come with several safety features to ensure that you are just as secure while riding as you would be on a seated stair lift.

1 – Non-Slip Perch Seats

The seat should have a non-slip surface to prevent slipping while the lift is in use.

2 – Footrest

All perch stairlifts should come with a footrest to keep your feet safe and secure and provide additional support for the rest of your joints as you travel up the stairs.

3 – Powered Footrest

Some models will have a powered footrest that allows you to automatically fold up the footrest at the touch of a button rather than making you bend down to do it manually. This further protects those who find bending painful or have restricted movement in the knee or hip joints.

4 – Safety Belt

A retractable seatbelt should be included to keep you secured to the seat while the lift is in motion. Some models will have an inbuilt function that prevents the stair lift from moving off until the retractable seat belt has been applied.

5 – Automatic Stop

The lift should have safety sensors that make it stop automatically when it hits an obstacle on the stairs, thus keeping you safe and secure.

6 – Emergency Stop

There should also be an emergency stop button in case of any unexpected problems.

7 – Adjustable Seat Height

The seat height should be adjustable to ensure that you are comfortable and secure while riding.

Customisation Options for Your Perch Stairlift

Choosing the right perch stairlift involves more than selecting a model that fits your staircase. Customisation options play a crucial role in ensuring the stairlift meets your mobility needs and blends seamlessly with your home’s interior. Here’s a closer look at the aesthetic and functional customisation options available.

1 – Aesthetic Customisation

The appearance of your stairlift can be just as important as its functionality. Many perch stairlift models offer a range of upholstery colours to match or complement your home decor. Options may include neutral tones such as beige or grey and more vibrant choices like red or blue. Selecting the right colour can make the stairlift a subtle addition to your home rather than an obtrusive element.

2 – Functional Customisation

Beyond aesthetics, functional features can be tailored to suit your specific needs:

3 – Swivel Seats

Choose between manual or powered swivel options for easier dismount at the top or bottom of the stairs. A powered swivel seat is particularly beneficial for those with limited mobility, allowing for a smoother transition from sitting to standing.

4 – Foldable Footrests

For narrow staircases, a foldable footrest can make a significant difference. It reduces the space the stairlift occupies when not in use, making the staircase more accessible for others. Manual options offer simplicity, while powered footrests provide convenience, folding away with the touch of a button.

5 – Rail Options

Depending on the layout of your home, you might need a hinged rail to avoid blocking doorways or corridors at the bottom of the stairs. Some models offer a manual hinge, but for ease of use, a powered hinge automatically lifts the rail out of the way when the stairlift is not in use.

By exploring these customization options, you can ensure your perch stairlift is not only a practical mobility solution but also a personalized addition to your home that reflects your style and meets your unique needs.

perching stairlift

Alternatives to Perch Stairlifts

If a perch stairlift is not suitable for you, for example, because you need help standing for the journey upstairs, there are a few other options to consider.

1 – Turn and Go Stairlifts

These seated stairlifts use a particular track that allows the lift to manoeuvre around tight bends better. They have a swivel rocker seat, making it easier for the seated user to get in and out of the lift by twisting the seat around to face the landing at each end.

2 – Home Elevators

A home elevator is the best option if you have more of a budget and live on more than one level. This will allow you to travel between floors without having to manoeuvre yourself into a stairlift.

3 – Wheelchair Lifts

Portable wheelchair lifts are a good option if you need to transport your wheelchair up and down the stairs and yourself. They come in indoor and outdoor models and can easily be installed.

How to Choose a Perch Stairlift

When it comes to perch stairlifts, you must know how to choose the most reliable stairlifts for you. You need to consider several factors, such as whether you need a straight stairlift or a curved one, your weight and height, and whether you have any physical limitations.

You must also decide which type of stairlift you prefer- a seated or perch model. A seated model is more traditional and is best if you cannot stand up the stairs. A perch model is an ideal choice if you find sitting painful and prefer standing to prevent unnecessary extra movement in the knee.

Make sure you talk to some stairlift specialists before making your decision, and look at second-hand and refurbished stairlifts if you are keen to save a little bit extra money.

Installation Process and Aftercare Services

Understanding the installation process and the aftercare services available is essential for making an informed decision about perch stairlifts. This section aims to provide clear insights into what you can expect.

1 – Installation Process

Installing a perch stairlift is a straightforward process that typically can be completed within a few hours, ensuring minimal disruption to your home. The process involves:

a) Initial Assessment

A professional surveyor will visit your home to assess your staircase and discuss your specific needs, ensuring the stairlift meets your requirements and space.

b) Fitting

On the installation day, trained technicians will fit the stairlift to your staircase, not the wall, which means no structural changes are needed in your home.

c) Demonstration

After installation, the technician will demonstrate how to use the stairlift safely and answer any questions you may have.

2 – Aftercare Services

After your stairlift is installed, comprehensive aftercare services ensure you continue to benefit from your investment:

a) Warranty

Most perch stairlifts have a warranty covering any manufacturing defects or technical issues, providing peace of mind.

b) Maintenance Tips

Regular maintenance, such as keeping the track clean and ensuring the batteries are charged, will help prolong the life of your stairlift.

c) Servicing

Annual servicing by a qualified technician is recommended to ensure your stairlift remains in optimal working condition.

d) Support

Should you encounter any issues or have questions, customer support is available to assist you, often including emergency call-out services.

perch straight stairlift

Our Final Thoughts

This article has provided a comprehensive overview of perch stairlifts, highlighting:

1 – The design and operation of perch stairlifts make them suitable for smaller spaces and individuals with mobility issues.

2 – They are easier to install and affordable compared to traditional stairlifts.

3 – The technical specifications and unique features that accommodate users with limited mobility or narrow staircases.

4 – Safety features that ensure user security and stability.

5 – The cost-effectiveness of perch stairlifts to enhance home accessibility.

6 – Alternatives to perch stairlifts for those who may require different mobility solutions.

7 – The importance of consulting with stairlift specialists and considering second-hand or refurbished models to save money while meeting mobility needs.

Have A Free Consultation With A Stairlift Specialist

You can contact an Acorn stair lift specialist in one of 3 ways:

  • Option 1 – Call directly on – 0333 567 1602
  • Option 2 – Book an appointment directly in the calendar below, and one of the team will call you back at your chosen time
  • Option 3 – Leave your contact details and Acorn will get in touch with you

Option 1 – Call Acorn Stairlifts Directly


Monday to Thursday : 8am – 7pm

Friday : 8am – 5:30pm

Saturday & Sunday : 9am – 5pm

Call us on : 0333 567 1602

Option 2 – Book an appointment, in the calendar below, for a callback when it’s convenient

Option 3 – Leave your details and Acorn will get in touch

Leave your contact details below, and one of the Acorn team will give you a call to discuss your needs.

                                                      Please note that Acorn Stairlifts undertake all calls.

Meet the author

Tom Walker

Tom is a Content Writer and Editor for UK Care Guide, having previously acted as Head of Online for the Manchester Historian, and also the former editor for The Peterloo Institute.

Tom is a graduate of the University of  Manchester with a BA (Hons) History degree. 

His particular specialisms include writing on issues relating to later life (e.g. stairlifts, live-in care) and elderly care, having previously worked in a care capacity.  


What is a perch stairlift, and how does it work?

The main difference between a perch stairlift and a traditional seated stairlift is that a perch stairlift does not require the user to be fully seated. Instead, you travel in a perching position. This makes it an ideal solution for people with flexibility issues or restricted movement in their knee or hip joints who do not want to bend their knees more than necessary.

What is considered a narrow staircase?

Most staircases are considered narrow if they have a width of less than 28 inches. This is because the standard width for a traditional stair lift is 30 inches. If your staircase has a width of less than 28 inches, you will most likely need a perch stairlift.

How do I maintain my perch stairlift?

The good news is that perch stairlifts require less maintenance or service than traditional stairlifts. They typically only need to be cleaned every six to twelve months, depending on how often they are used.

How long do perch stairlifts last?

Most perch stairlifts have a lifespan of around ten years. This means that, despite their high price, perch stairlifts are pretty a cost-effective option in the long run.

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Before You Leave, Please Watch Our Video Above About Buying Or Renting A UK Stairlift.

All calls are undertaken with Acorn Stairlifts in the UK