Buying a stairlift in the UK

Stairlifts are a crucial piece of equipment that can significantly improve the quality of life for individuals with mobility impairments. Stairlifts are designed to make it easier for people to move up and down stairs, providing them with greater independence and reducing the risk of falls and injuries.

There are several different types of stairlifts available, including straight, curved, and outdoor models. Straight stairlifts are the most common type and are designed to fit a straight staircase without any turns or bends.

Curved stairlifts, on the other hand, are custom-made to fit a staircase with turns, bends, or landings. Outdoor stairlifts are designed for use on outdoor staircases, such as those leading to a garden or patio.

Stairlifts can be bought all over the UK, with a variety of different suppliers and retailers offering a range of products to suit different needs and budgets. Some of the major suppliers of stairlifts in the UK include Acorn Stairlifts, Stannah Stairlifts, and Handicare.

One of the key benefits of stairlifts is that they provide a safe and comfortable way for people with mobility impairments to move up and down stairs.

They can also help to reduce the risk of falls and injuries, which can be especially important for older people or those with underlying health conditions. Stairlifts can also improve the quality of life for individuals by providing them with greater independence and freedom to move around their home.

If you are considering buying a stairlift, it is important to do your research and choose a model that meets your needs and budget.

Some key factors to consider include the type of staircase you have, the weight capacity of the stairlift, and any additional features you may require, such as a swivel seat or remote control.

In conclusion, stairlifts are an essential piece of equipment for anyone with mobility impairments who wants to maintain their independence and move around their home safely and comfortably. With a range of different models and suppliers available throughout the UK, it is easy to find a stairlift that meets your needs and fits within your budget. For more information on where to find stairlifts in the UK, check out our list of suppliers and retailers.

Articles on different locations where you can buy a stairlift

Have A Free Consultation With A Stairlift Specialist

You can contact a stair lift specialist in one of 3 ways:

  • Option 1 – Call directly on – 0333 567 1612
  • Option 2 – Book an appointment directly in the calendar below, and one of the team will call you back at your chosen time
  • Option 3 – Leave your contact details and Acorn will get in touch with you

Option 1 - Call Acorn Stairlifts Directly


Monday to Thursday – 8am – 7pm

Friday – 8am – 5:30pm

Saturday & Sunday – 9am – 5pm

Option 2 - Book an appointment, in the calendar below, for a Stairlift specialist to call you back when its convenient

Option 3 - Leave your details and Acorn will get in touch


Leave your contact details below and one of the team will give you a call to discuss your needs.

Please note that all calls are undertaken by Acorn Stairlifts.