Your Guide To Finding A Standing Stairlift

A Guide To Stand On Stairlifts & Standing Stair Lifts In May 2024

Standing stair lifts (also known as stand on stair lifts) offer a practical solution for individuals with mobility challenges, enabling them to move between different levels of their homes safely and independently. The article will help you do the following:

  1. Understand the significance of considering a standing stair lift for enhancing home accessibility.
  2. Learn about the features, benefits, and considerations when choosing a standing stair lift.
  3. Discover the main topics covered, including types of stair lifts, cost considerations, and safety features.
  4. Recognise the benefits of understanding these topics for making informed decisions about home mobility solutions.
  5. Take informed actions post-reading, such as assessing personal needs, exploring options, and consulting with professionals.

Key Takeaways & Learnings From This Page on Stand On Stair Lifts

  1. Standing stairlifts are designed for individuals who face mobility challenges but can stand upright, offering an alternative to traditional seated stairlifts and enhancing independence within the home.
  1. These lifts are particularly beneficial for those with conditions that make sitting painful or difficult, such as severe arthritis or hip and knee issues, by allowing them to ascend and descend stairs in a standing or perching position.
  2. The cost of standing stair lifts varies, starting from around £2,000 to £4,000, depending on the staircase type (straight or curved) and the lift’s features. Renting or purchasing refurbished models can provide a more cost-effective solution.
  3. Safety features, including braking mechanisms, seat belts, footrests, and weight capacity, are important factors to consider when purchasing a stairlift, ensuring the user’s security and comfort during use.
  4. When choosing a standing stair lift, it’s essential to assess the type of staircase, consider the user’s mobility needs, and ensure the lift fits within the available space, with installation typically being straightforward and completed in less than a day.

Topics that you will find covered on this page

Who Needs a Standing Stair Lift?

Stand on stair lifts can benefit a wide range of people facing mobility issues. This can include those who have difficulty walking or have a disability that prevents them from ascending and descending stairs. The installation of a standing stair lift for the elderly can significantly enhance their independence within their own home.

The benefits of a standing stair lift for the elderly extend beyond mobility, offering peace of mind to both the users and their families. A standing lift is very similar to a traditional seated stairlift, except that the seat is replaced by a ‘perch seat’ at a higher level, allowing the user to relax while remaining standing. This type of stairlift is perfect for those who can still stand. 

1- Flexibility Issues

As we age, our flexibility decreases, and it can become more difficult to bend down low enough to sit on a traditional stairlift seat. The perch seat on a standing lift is an ideal solution for elderly customers, as it is adjustable to fit the user’s height.

Its unique design means that a user suffering from flexibility issues can ride in a perched position or an upright position and thus avoid having to bend their legs or strain their hips unnecessarily.

2- Joint Issues

People who struggle with arthritis or have restricted movement in their hip joints benefit from this type of lift as it requires less manoeuvrability.  A standing stair lift eliminates the need to lower yourself into a chair, which can be painful and dangerous.

stand on stair lift

How Does a Stand On Stair Lift Work?

A stand on stair lift is powered by electricity and runs along tracks attached to the side of your stairs. The lift will stop at each landing so you can easily step on and off.

The lift carriage contains a seat (or perch seat) and all of the safety items you would expect in a stairlift – such as a safety belt and footrest. The seat is also adjustable to fit the user’s height.

You simply step on the compact stairlift, strap yourself in using the seat belt, and remain standing as you travel to the top of the stairs. When not in use, the standing stairlift carriage can be folded up so that it doesn’t take up any extra space.

Power Sources for Stand On Stairlifts

The power for a stand on stair lift comes from a standard wall socket, so there is no need to worry about having a special power supply installed.

If your home has frequent power shortages, you may want to consider getting a battery-powered stairlift. This will prevent you from calling someone out to help you if you get stuck on the lift or one floor of your home.

Factors Affecting The Standing Stair Lift Price 

Standing stair lift prices start at around £2,000 and can increase to around £4,000, depending on the required features. 

The standing stair lift price will also depend on whether you are getting a straight stairlift, a stair lift for curved stairs or a small-space standing stair lift. Curved and small-space stairlifts will usually be more expensive than straight stairlifts due to the added complexity. A comparison of standing stair lift prices across different providers is recommended to ensure value for money.

If price is an issue, consider renting a stand on stair lift. This will be more cost-effective if you only intend to use the lift briefly. Second-hand and refurbished stair lifts are also often available at more reasonable prices.

When it comes time to choose a standing stair lift for your home, make sure you talk to an expert who can help you find the perfect model for your stairs. With so many options available on the market today, it’s important to find one that will suit you and your lifestyle. 

Inquiries about the standing stair lift price should be directed to reputable suppliers who can provide detailed quotations. Our experts also recommend obtaining multiple quotes to understand better how much a used stair lift costs in the current market.

Benefits and Applications of a Stand On Stair Lift 

Standing stair lifts offer a versatile solution for individuals facing mobility challenges. This section delves into the specific benefits and scenarios where these lifts provide significant advantages. For elderly individuals with limited mobility but who can still stand, a standing stair lift offers an invaluable solution to maintain independence at home.

1- Versatile Use Cases

Stand-on stair lifts cater to a wide range of mobility needs. They are particularly beneficial for individuals who find sitting painful or challenging due to health conditions such as arthritis, hip and knee problems, or post-surgical recovery.

By allowing the user to ascend and descend stairs in a standing or perching position, these lifts offer an alternative that can significantly ease discomfort and improve accessibility within the home.

2- Independence and Safety

One of the primary advantages of standing stair lifts is their ability to provide users with greater independence and safety in their homes. The design of these lifts, which include safety belts and sensors to detect obstacles, ensures a secure and stable ride. 

Their compact size makes them an ideal choice for homes with narrow staircases, where traditional seated lifts may not fit. This not only maximizes the available space but also maintains the aesthetic appeal of the home environment.

3- Enhanced Mobility and Comfort

For individuals with limited flexibility, standing stair lifts offer a solution that minimizes the need to bend the knees or hips, which can be particularly painful for those with joint issues. 

The option to perch provides a comfortable middle ground, offering support while alleviating pressure on sensitive areas. This feature is crucial for enhancing the user’s mobility around the house, making accessing different levels without assistance easier.

Disadvantages of a Stand on Stair lift

There are also a few disadvantages to using a standing stairlift which you should consider:

1- Limited Mobility 

A standing stairlift is perfect for those who can still maintain a standing position but may not be suitable for those with limited mobility, particularly wheelchair users.

2- More Balance is Needed 

A certain level of balance and endurance is required as you must be able to remain standing for the duration of the journey.

3- Cost 

A standing stairlift can be more expensive than a traditional seated stairlift, but this varies depending on the make and model and whether it is used. Maintenance costs may also be higher than seated stairlifts.

4- Takes Up Space

The standing stairlift carriage takes up some room on the stairs when not in use, so it’s important to measure your stairs before purchasing one.

standing stair lift price

Exploring the Variety of Stair Lifts Available

The market offers a wide array of stair lifts, including stand up stair lifts, stand stair lift options, and standing platform stair lift models. Each type caters to different user needs and staircase configurations, ensuring a suitable lift for every home. Whether you require a lift that allows for standing or one with a platform, understanding the features and benefits of each can guide you to the best choice for your circumstances.

Choosing The Right Stand On Stairlift

Selecting the appropriate standing stair lift requires an understanding of each model’s unique features and specifications to ensure it meets the needs of individuals with mobility issues. When considering a standing stair lift for the elderly in particular, it’s important to evaluate the lift’s safety features, such as secure footplates and safety belts.

1- Assess Your Staircase Type

The first step in choosing the right stand on stair lift is to assess the type of staircase you have in your home. Whether it’s straight, curved, or has multiple landings will significantly influence the type of lift that can be installed.

Straight staircases typically require less customisation and are therefore less costly, while curved or staircases with landings may need a bespoke solution.

2- Consider Your Mobility Needs

Understanding your specific mobility needs is crucial. A perching or stand on stair lift might offer the best solution if you have difficulty bending your knees or hips. Evaluate how easy it is to maintain balance while standing and whether a perched position would be more comfortable. You should also consider the user weight capacity. 

3- Space Constraints

The compact design of standing stair lifts makes them an ideal choice for narrow staircases. Ensure the model you select can be accommodated within the available space, allowing for safe passage on the stairs for both the user and others when the lift is not in use.

A Guide To The Different Types of Staircases For Straight Stairlifts

A – Straight Staircase

This is the easiest and cheapest type of staircase to install a stairlift on. However, if your staircase is narrow, you may want to consider compact stairlift models. 

B – Straight Staircase Followed By A Step

This type of staircase may present a problem if the user needs help managing the final step. A bridging platform may help, however, they are not a particularly popular option today due to health and safety concerns. A curved stairlift may be necessary in this case. 

C – Straight Staircase With A Fan Turn

Stairs with a fan turn will require a curved stairlift to navigate the 45-degree angle

D – Split Staircase

Split staircases require either two straight stairlifts or a curved stairlift. The most cost-effective option will depend on your installation company and the length of your staircases. It’s important to note a user will have to dismount the stairlift twice if you install two straight stairlifts, which may cause them discomfort.

The UK Care Guide works in partnership with Acorn Stairlifts. 

Here are 10 reasons why they are the best stairlift provider in the UK.

Stairlifts made in the UK
Same day home appointments available
Next day installation available
Slimline models that fold away conveniently when not in use
Hinged rail designs to eliminate any trip or hazard
Affordable and reliable with low running costs
Some can be fitted quickly and easily to the stairs, not the wall
Amazing feedback and testimonials
Some require no structural changes to your home
Market leading experience in the UK

Call Acorn now on 0333 567 1612 to get a quote or to discuss your stairlift requirements.


Book a callback, in the calendar below, for a time that suits you.

Different Types Of Staircases For Curved Stairlifts

A – Quarter Landing Turn

With a quarter landing turn the user can either disembark at the top of the first staircase, depending on how many steps there are, or install a curved stairlift to navigate the platform. 

B – Quarter Fan Turn

A quarter fan-turn is when the stairs turn 45 degrees without a platform. A curved stairlift will be necessary for these stairs. 

C – Curved Quarter Fan Turn

A curved quarter fan turn is when the stairs turn 45 degrees without a platform. What distinguishes these from diagram B is that the wall also curves. These stairs require curved stairlifts. 

D – Half Landing Turn

In a half-landing turn, two straight staircases are connected by a landing platform. You can either fit two straight stairlifts, provided the landing between them is level, or a curved stairlift which traverses the wall of the landing. 

E – Half Fan Turn

In a half-fan turn, two straight staircases are connected by a 180-degree turn. These staircases require a curved stairlift. 

F- Three Straight Staircases

In diagram F, three straight staircases are connected by two landings, making a 180-degree turn. These require either three straight stairlifts or a curved stairlift, which would be a costly and frustrating procedure. 

G – Curved Half Fan Turn

In this diagram, three straight staircases are connected by two 45-degree turns. These staircases require a curved stairlift as it is unsafe to disembark a stairlift on a curved stairlift. 

H – U-Turn

In diagram H, two straight staircases are connected by a 180-degree curve. These require curved stairlifts. 

I- Winding Staircases

Diagram I demonstrates a straight staircase followed by a 270-degree turn. These require curved stairlifts.

Narrow Staircases and Standing Stairlifts 

For homes with particularly narrow staircases, small space standing stair lifts are designed to fit snugly without compromising safety or functionality. These small space standing stair lifts ensure that even the most confined spaces can accommodate the essential mobility aid, providing peace of mind and enhanced independence for users.

A traditional seated stairlift may not be able to fit on your stairs if they are too narrow, as your knees can protrude too far out when sitting and knock against the wall.

Due to the higher seat position, a stand on stair lift eliminates this difficulty. The user’s knees do not protrude so much, and there is more room on the straight staircase to travel up and down safely. 

The design itself is also much slimmer than a seated chairlift, which can be a good option if you want a less intrusive type of lift on your narrow stairs. Small space standing stair lifts are designed to fit in narrow staircases, maximising the available area.

Many stairlift models will feature foldaway footrests, perch seats, and folding armrests so that you can open up enough room on the stairs when the lift is not in use. This is a sought-after feature for people living with others and in houses with narrow staircases.

standing stair lift price

Safety Features

It’s important to ensure your stand on stair lift is safe for everyday use. Below is a rundown of the safety features you should look for when buying a stair lift.

1- Braking Mechanism

Standing lifts come with safety sensors that detect if something is blocking the stairs and automatically stop the lift. This is an excellent feature if you have pets or live with others who can leave things lying around, for instance, young children. 

Other stairlift models will have manual controls, meaning you should stay alert to prevent knocking into something. Some models may also include an emergency stop button.

2- Seat Belt

All lifts will come with a seat belt or safety barrier arm to keep you from falling out of the lift when riding. These are usually adjustable for user comfort. Some models may have a built-in safety system whereby the lift will only start to move if the safety belt is in place.

3- Footrest

A footrest is essential on a standing stairlift as it supports your feet and stops them from slipping while you ascend or descend the stairs. It also helps to keep you in an upright position on the perch seat.

4- Weight Capacity

Most standing stairlifts have a capacity of up to 250 pounds. If you are heavier than this, you should look for a model with a higher weight capacity. The perch seat is subjected to significant force, so you must ensure your lift is equipped to handle this.

5- Non-Slip Seat

Consider looking for a model with a non-slip seat for extra security. This and the seat belt should ensure you do not fall off the stairlift while riding it.

Choosing the Right Standing Stair Lift

Selecting the appropriate standing stair lift requires understanding each model’s unique features and specifications to ensure it meets the needs of individuals with mobility issues.

1- Assess Your Staircase Type

The first step in choosing the right standing stair lift is to assess the type of staircase you have in your home. Whether it’s straight, curved, or has multiple landings will significantly influence the type of lift that can be installed. 

Straight staircases typically require less customisation and are therefore less costly, while curved or staircases with landings may need a bespoke solution.

2- Consider Your Mobility Needs

Understanding your specific mobility needs is crucial. A standing or perching stair lift might offer the best solution if you have difficulty bending your knees or hips. Evaluate how easy it is to maintain balance while standing and whether a perched position would be more comfortable for you. 

When choosing the right stairlift, you should also consider the user weight capacity as to not overload the stairlift. 

3- Space Constraints

For homes with narrow staircases, the compact design of standing stair lifts makes them an ideal choice. Ensure the model you select can be accommodated within the available space, allowing for safe passage on the stairs for both the user and others when the lift is not in use.

Installation of Standing Stairlifts 

Installation is often very straightforward and can usually be completed in less than a day. The installation of straight stairlifts is particularly quick. Your chosen stairlift company will provide a fitting service and test the stairlift once installed to ensure it’s safe. 

A track is fastened to the wall with brackets for support, keeping the stairlift rails from touching the stairs. The treads of the steps are secured to the bannister and walls surrounding the staircase with multiple screws per bracket to avoid damage.

You can always contact the staircase supplier for additional support and expert advice should you need it. They will happily arrange a home survey and offer a free quote.

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Will A Stand-On Stairlift Damage Your Walls? 

A standing stairlift is attached to your stair treads, not your wall, so you don’t need to worry about damaging it Since the perch seat comes up slightly higher than in a seated stairlift, you may want to remove any pictures off the wall in case they are damaged. 

When the time comes to remove the stairlift, it is advised to leave this to a professional. Your supplier will arrange for a technician to come to your home and remove the stairlift once it is no longer required. If you attempt this yourself, you may end up damaging the walls and fixtures.

Where Can I Buy A Standing Stairlift?

There are a range of different types of standing stair lifts on the market, so it can be tricky to decide which one is right for you. The best place to start is by contacting your local stairlift company and arranging a free no-obligation consultation. 

They can come to your home and assess the situation before advising you on the best model for your needs.

You can also find many models of standing stair lifts on online auction sites such as eBay and Amazon, but it is important to do your research before buying one secondhand. Always make sure you read the reviews to get an idea of what the lift is like to use.

Charities such as Age UK may be able to offer you advice on the best stairlift for you or even point you towards some financing options.

It is important that you buy a stairlift that meets all your safety requirements and is comfortable to use. By considering the range of different features listed above, you should be able to find the perfect standing stairlift for your needs.

A Comparison Of The Most Popular Curved Stairlift Models | May 2024

Below is a comparison of the most popular curved stairlift models in the UK and a breakdown of their key features. 

Model Acorn 180 Handicare Freecurve Stannah 260 Recon Thyssen Flow 2
Weight Capacity 120kg 136kg 120kg 125kg
Power Swivel Seat? YesYes, at an additional costYesYes
Fold-Up Width33.5cm 44cm 40cm 34cm
Type of RailSlimline Single-RailSingle RailPowered Or Manual Hinged Rail Slim Aluminium Rail
Price (approx.)From £4000£4,200£3,400From £4,195
Average Speed15cm per second13cm per second12cm per second15cm per second
Max Rail Length30m 35m Not Specified Not Specified
Space Between Armrests19″17″20.5″18″
Warranty12 Months 2 Years 1 year 1 Year

Speak To An Acorn Curved Stairlift Specialist Today

Call  0333 567 1612 to discuss your requirements and see what the best option might be for you.

stand on stair lift no installation

What To Look For in a Standing Lift

With so many options on the market, having a few key features to look out for when shopping around is helpful. So, to summarise, some key features are: 

1- The weight capacity: make sure the lift can hold your weight in a perching position.

2- The size of the lift: if you have narrow stairs, get a slimline lift that will not take up too much room.

3- The breaking mechanism: this is a vital safety feature and one you should always look out for in a stairlift.

4- A power footrest: this feature means that you can fold up the footrest at the touch of a button and avoid injuring your knees by having to bend down to do so.

5- Remote control can be used to summon the lift to whatever floor you are on if you live in a home with multiple floors.

6- Non-slip seat: to ensure your safety while riding. This is very important in a perch stairlift since you do not have the security of a completely seated position.

7- The ease of installation: a good stair lift should be easy to install with clear instructions.

8- Warranty: most stairlifts come with a warranty so that you are covered in the unlikely event of something going wrong.

9- Free call-outs – look out for companies offering a free call-out if your chair lift stops working. 

With such a range of different models available, you will surely find one that fits your needs and lifestyle. Contact Age UK for more advice or contact a stair lift supplier to see if they can offer you a free quote.


A Comparison Of The Most Popular Straight Stairlift Models In The UK | May 2024

Below is a comparison of the most popular straight stairlift models available in the UK and a breakdown of their key features. 

Model Acorn 130 Straight StairliftHandicare 1100 Straight StairliftStannah Starla 600Bruno’s Elite Indoor Straight
Weight Capacity159kg140kg136kg 182kg
Power Swivel Seat?YesYesYes, and customisable with safety sensors Yes
Minimum Staircase Width26″ 21″28″27″
Fold-Up Width310mm 320mm340mm386mm
Type of RailAluminium single railFriction rail system with drive rollersSlim-line railVertical rail with covered gear rack
Price (approx.)From £2,000 From £2,200 From £2,200From £2,800
Average Speed12cm per second15cm per secondNot SpecifiedNot Specified
Max Rail Length30mNot SpecifiedNot SpecifiedNot Specified
Space Between Armrests44.5 cm45cm48cm55cm
Warranty1 Years3 Years2 Years2 Years

Speak To An Acorn Straight Stairlift Specialist Today

Call  0333 567 1612 to discuss your requirements and see what the best option might be for you.

A Comparison Of The Most Popular Curved Stairlift Models | May 2024

Below is a comparison of the most popular curved stairlift models in the UK and a breakdown of their key features. 

Model Acorn 180 Handicare Freecurve Stannah 260 Recon Thyssen Flow 2
Weight Capacity 120kg 136kg 120kg 125kg
Power Swivel Seat? YesYes, at an additional costYesYes
Fold-Up Width33.5cm 44cm 40cm 34cm
Type of RailSlimline Single-RailSingle RailPowered Or Manual Hinged Rail Slim Aluminium Rail
Price (approx.)From £4000£4,200£3,400From £4,195
Average Speed15cm per second13cm per second12cm per second15cm per second
Max Rail Length30m 35m Not Specified Not Specified
Space Between Armrests19″17″20.5″18″
Warranty12 Months 2 Years 1 year 1 Year

Speak To An Acorn Curved Stairlift Specialist Today

Call  0333 567 1612 to discuss your requirements and see what the best option might be for you.

Our Final Thoughts

1. Standing stair lifts cater to those who can stand but find sitting painful or difficult.

2.They are suitable for homes with narrow staircases, offering a slimline design that does not require extensive space.

3. Safety features such as braking mechanisms, seat belts, and footrests are essential for ensuring the user’s security and comfort.

4. The cost of these lifts varies, but options like renting or buying refurbished models can offer cost savings.

5. Installation is generally straightforward, with most models being fitted in less than a day.

6. It’s important to assess personal mobility needs, staircase type, and space availability when choosing a lift.

7. Consulting with professionals and considering a range of models can help find the best solution for individual needs and homes.

Have A Free Consultation With A Stairlift Specialist

You can contact an Acorn stair lift specialist in one of 3 ways:

  • Option 1 – Call directly on – 0333 567 1602
  • Option 2 – Book an appointment directly in the calendar below, and one of the team will call you back at your chosen time
  • Option 3 – Leave your contact details and Acorn will get in touch with you

Option 1 – Call Acorn Stairlifts Directly


Monday to Thursday : 8am – 7pm

Friday : 8am – 5:30pm

Saturday & Sunday : 9am – 5pm

Call us on : 0333 567 1602

Option 2 – Book an appointment, in the calendar below, for a callback when it’s convenient

Option 3 – Leave your details and Acorn will get in touch

Leave your contact details below, and one of the Acorn team will give you a call to discuss your needs.

                                                      Please note that Acorn Stairlifts undertake all calls.

Meet the author

Jane Parkinson

Jane Parkinson

Jane is one of our primary content writers and specialises in elder care. She has a degree in English language and literature from Manchester University and has been writing and reviewing products for a number of years.

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Who Needs a Standing Stair Lift?

There are many people in the world who may benefit from a standing stair lift. This can include those who are wheelchair-bound, have difficulty walking or have a disability that prevents them from ascending and descending stairs. For these individuals, a standing stair lift can provide considerable independence and freedom.

How Does a Standing Stair Lift Work?

A standing stair lift is powered by electricity and runs along tracks that are attached to the side of your stairs. The lift will stop at each landing, so you can step on and off easily.

Will a stairlift damage my walls?

A standing stairlift is attached to your stair treads, not your wall, so you don’t need to worry about damaging it.

Where can I buy a standing lift?

There are a range of different types of standing stair lifts on the market, so it can be tricky to decide which one is right for you. The best place to start is by contacting your local stairlift company and arranging for a free no obligation consultation. They will be able to come out to your home and assess the situation before advising you on the best model for your needs.

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