Walking Aids to help the elderly

Mobility walking aids make a huge difference to the independence and confidence of many people, particularly the elderly, who can often feel quite limited when their ability to walk even short distances is impeded by a lack of mobility or even injury.

Loss of mobility in turn, can lead to a loss of confidence, as many people don’t even attempt to get out and lose the essential socialisation that come from meeting and mixing with other people. 

One of the great things about mobility walking aids is that they can help so many causes of loss of mobility and increase levels of confidence and independence, many of the walking solutions on offer these days are actually very simple and low cost but can have very positive benefits. 

Regular exercise leads to increased blood flow and the maintenance of a more regular body core temperature. Cardio health is also boosted by the benefits of walking and other forms of exercise, so it’s well worth finding out what products can help you, if you need the additional support of a walking aid.

Another reason why so many elderly people suffer from a loss of mobility, even temporary, is due to injury and falls, sometimes within the home when balance is lost and an injury is suffered. 

Although walking aids can often prevent such injuries, they can often have great value in helping in recuperation and the regaining of confidence to walk again and particularly face the outdoors again. Walking aids really do open up more possibilities when a person is in the stages of recovery from an injury, such as a knock, ache or muscle strain. 

Walking aids

One of the best known and possibly simplest walking aids, is the common or garden walking stick. This device has been around for centuries in one form or another, but today’s walking sticks represent state-of-the art technology and are built from lightweight alloys and have hard wearing ferrules that allow for extra grip on indoor or outdoor surfaces. 

Although simple, a walking stick can be very effective for regaining balance and composure when walking, especially in the outdoors. 

Most people put off buying a walking stick due to the supposed stigma associated with using a walking stick, but this is often misplaced when you consider now how many young, fit and active people are taking up alpine walking in our towns and cities that uses alpine walking sticks! 

Today’s walking sticks are built upon the same principles as the sportier models, that being that they are extremely lightweight and very effective at gripping on to surfaces with enough strength to take great forces, leading to greater confidence and security for the user.

So there really shouldn’t be a shame associated with using a walking stick if it can benefit your health and help you to get out and about and socialising again. As mentioned, these days walking sticks really do come in much sportier ergonomics and styles, so you can find a model that complements your own tastes, whether they be contemporary or classic.

Aside from walking aids just for balance, many people who find walking difficult, find that they are often in a situation where they need to carry belongings or the odd bits of shopping and could really do with a way of carrying and storing these good safely when they are out and about. As the walking frame with seat allows for regular breaks, it’s invaluable and multi purpose.


Rollators are ideal for this purpose and just as with walking sticks, things have come a very long way in terms of what’s available now compared to what was available only a few short years ago. 

With an aging population, there has been greater demand for younger looking, fashionable styles of rollators that fit in with the needs of older people who still very much see themselves as young-at-heart and want the finer things in life, even when it comes to their mobility.

The manufacturers have recognised this strong demand for more stylish products and now offer much more ergonomic and modern styles with street appeal and modern sleek finishes.

Rollators have been at the forefront of this technological and styling paradigm shift and so now the market is full of some very attractive rollators and tri-walkers with much greater visual appeal and modern features and materials.

One of the great benefits of a walker or rollator is that you now have the correct level of balance and support, with the addition of capacity to shop and store safely personal goods and shopping without compromising your posture and balance. 

This has revolutionised life for many elderly people who find that they can now go on many more leisure outings and shopping trips, as well as international travel without having to miss out. Rollators make this possible and as they are so lightweight and compact, with effective braking systems, they are also the ideal travel companion increasing confidence and independence.

Trolley walkers

Combination trolley walkers are a great idea, mainly for indoor use or in the garden as they come fitted with trays to allow the safe carriage of goods and personal effects around the home and for use when engaging in hobbies or for eating at desk or table.

Combination trolley walkers are a great idea and have been widely adopted within professional care environments such as private care homes and hospitals/ clinics as they are extremely versatile. The lightweight frame allows for easy manoeuvre with s tight turning circle. A lipped tray prevents leaks and spills so reducing cleaning tasks and hygiene in the home.

Many people who have previously enjoyed a sporty outdoor lifestyle find that they still want to pursue outdoor interests and participate in sports and the great outdoors. even this side of the market has been accommodated with the new Trionic range of rollators. 

Trionic rollators

Trionic rollators are true multi-terrain rollators built for the trail and for those with a pioneering attitude to their fitness and who won’t let a loss of general mobility prevent them from pursuing their outdoor interests. 

Built like a traditional rollator, the main difference with the Trionic, to regular walking frames is that every feature has a level of robust build to withstand all that nature and the weather can throw at it. The tough castors adjust for uneven surfaces and still have traction of wheels are not in contact with the ground, so avoiding spinning wheels as would be the case with the normal rollator on uneven terrain.

Trionic also have a range for hunters, that come with a rifle pouch, so that those who have a love of hunting for game, can still maintain a level of support and independence even in wooded areas and on rough trails.

Of course, many of us are not that into sports and we just need help in walking around the home or getting out to the shops or on outings. 

Walking stick seats

Walking stick seats are ideal for those who would like the support and balance that a walking stick can provide, but also require a method of resting when they are fatigued, but not ready to head for home yet.  

Walking stick seats enable the user to take a break whenever and wherever they choose as the seat simply unfolds from the walking stick and allows the user to take a break, easily and unobtrusively. 

This can be great for trips around shopping centres, at the supermarket and on family outings that are going on longer than anticipated. Now, even when there’s nowhere to sit, a few seconds to adjust your walking stick seat and you’ve literally taken the weight off your feet and earned a well-deserved break before you carry on again.

As with all walking aids and walking frames, sometimes you benefit from having accessories to complement your walking equipment. The good news is that there is now a plethora of goods aimed at increasing functionality, features and benefits of your walking mobility equipment. 

Not least in this, is the simple replacement ferrule. Ferrules play an important role for many walking stick users as this is the part of the stick that’s in contact with the ground and a whole range of other surfaces, both indoors and outdoors, that has to have grip in both dry and wet conditions.

With any walking stick or walking stick seats, the tip of the stick, just like the tyre of a car, can become worn and less effective, sometimes wearing right down to the stick shaft itself and potentially damaging the stick. 

So replacement ferrules are a great idea and very low cost, as well as being very easy to fit in a matter of a few seconds. As with other walking gear items, ferrules are now manufactured from modern rubbers and offer a steady and secure grip across multiple surface types including tiles, carpets, wood flooring and tarmac. 

They can also help you get in and out of garden swing seats, if you have them in your garden.

The long-life nature of today’s replacement ferrules means that you won’t have to make too many pit-stops once your new ferrule is in place on your walking stick. 

A great accessory for walking stick users, is the walking stick clip. This innovative piece of kit enables the walking stick to be attached easily and securely to any table top or work surface. One of the irritating things when using a walking stick is leaning it up against a wall or table, only for it to fall over and have you potentially straining yourself to reach down for it. 

The walking stick clip allows for an easy solution to keep your stick in a secure place, where another benefit is, you’ll remember where it is when you need it again, rather than it falling down and going behind the sofa!

If you’ve found in recent years that your mobility and ability to walk is be3coming more difficult, as we’ve discussed in this article, it needn’t signal the end of your enjoyment of walking and getting out and about. 

Modern, lightweight, high-tech walking aids are here to help you regain your independence and confidence.

To see more about walking aids and see a wide range of products, take a look at Mobility Smart, a national mobility retailer, website at www.mobilitysmart.co.uk